
We already knew that asian men were the highest paid class, so this is no surprise.

I was hoping this was going to be about diversity in messaging apps or something, because Google is currently a tire fire when it comes to their products.

That's likely from a very early episode where they were supposed to be normal people, like the original. Most people don't actually have tailored clothes.

Sarah is not the warrior, that seemed odd. Survival or trickery maybe.

Snipping tool.

Col. John Matrix. Show some respect.

It took six months to build that? In what, like five minutes a day?

I watched The Leftovers. Who is this person? Did she play one of the dummies that ended up strewn about on the road?

Fuck Hugh.

No, I’m saying, when Kitty comes back and notices that Dad’s gone, the first thing she’s going to do is check the cooler to see if the evidence is there. It buys us, like, one second.

You want to live in a fake world.

Museums shouldn't celebrate anything. An exhibit about slavery or the extinction of the dodo isn't celebratory either. The past happened.

The Smithsonian is supposed to ignore history because of the present?

Wouldn't "the lowest amount they're willing to pay" be zero?

She may be a mole lawyer, as she apparently can't find anyone to help her.

Needed more screen time for female character #2.

"a bad season is still better then what is currently out right now"

All the best writers do what they were taught in high school.

It's pretty dumb. She could just hire an associate.