
What if that person were on television to discuss issues faced by those with prodigious appendages?

Actually, in general, a cop's eye witness account is taken as total fact, so why not here?

I'm hoping her character just picks up more and more affectations each episode. Maybe a yo-yo and a parrot next week?

My favorite part of assault was that half of the chances the contestants had were with totally worthless devices that no one ever scored with.

"Stand still so the photographer can get a good photo I can release to the press. I don't have all day."

Seemed to me like the reason was that a) the book wasn't/isn't popular enough on its own to be a big movie so they had to cast Harrison Ford, and b) Harrison Ford had to have an important role to agree to do the movie.

What true story was American Sniper based on?

It must be refreshing for TV executives to be able to blame "internet backlash" any time their work has a reduction in quality.

If he were out of the league, I could see his point, as teams would probably rather not deal with the extra media attention he'd bring as a marginal starting lineman.

Yeah, the book draws a straight line from his disappointing career as a "five-tool" player to his eventual disdain for the scouting system at the time.

She has an herbal remedy to cure that.

Willis just owns it. The geek is the only person working there.

These are all Costanza quotes, you vile weed!

Isn't it possible that Hitler is an alien controlling the survey respondents' thoughts; and if so, is he hoping to reduce the price of ESPN when a la carte is mandated?

What Chinese mafia? She was with some guy who owns a store selling dong tea and almost got bamboozled with ping pong balls.

Most of their programming is for 12-18 year old boys coming home from school.

It is flawed in that it asks "which channels would you be interested in including." A channel that carries prominent live events is going to have a much stronger base of people who would answer yes to "which channels would you include."

I know, right? Last season the libtards were all like "that Vee is bad" too. They never learn.

What if I have seen all but the finale? Can I discuss the future plot?

Red velvet is not a flavor any more than purple moon is a flavor.