
It would be interesting to find out how Gervais could get in something about his atheism in every episode.

That theory still doesn't make any sense with the hair color thing. Maybe Joffrey is not Jamie's son after all.

He also could have brought in doughnuts once in a while. It really shows your employees that you're not a traitor.

She's there because everyone is complaining about the color palate at the Wall.

This movie is very similar to the new Godzilla movie, but makes even less sense.

That's kind of what I am saying. It seemed like they thought they had built her up to be Joffrey, when in reality they showed a woman forced to both do her job and look after her bosses' children.

They probably could have cut costs or driven folks to more expensive impulse add ons. Regardless, I'm bit concerned that the business model is doomed, as the park was clearly heaving and they were worried about revenue.

Will she ever have babies? Of course she will!

He's seen this movie.

Firstly, this is a bad movie with some decent CGI and a distractingly bad plot.

Andie McDowell!

Ollie is clearly Bobby, a pure sociopath.

They all have brain damage from repeated head trauma.

There's not a layer of protection if hundreds of people watch you steal someone's property and then tell someone to destroy/do something unsavory with it.

Wouldn't the one guy forcing the audience to lock away their belongings be the one who believes that the world is obligated to accommodate them?

The networks are trying to get folks to engage in social media in the hopes they watch the show live because they can interact with cast members and other viewers. The ratings continue to be the only thing that matters. Any value Twitter would add would be seen directly in the ratings.

It will be Bobby after it is revealed that the sandwich he gave away would have saved his mother's life.

I assume it is a 300' tall Robert Morse.

That'd be ol' Gus' second grain silo.

Makes sense, given that his wife was the waitress who flipped George the bird on Seinfeld. Nepotism above all.