
They forgot to put a legend in the graph showing the deaths in the Iliad. Oh! The ironing!

Even easier, and maintaining the bagelness, just cut the bagel in a saw toothed pattern. Should result in much more surface area, allows you to hold it like a sandwich, and you could load it up with all the cream cheese you want inside the valleys.

As long as the magic dog from Honolulu is still in this one, we're good.

You'll whoop it up watching this San Francisco toddler die from Whooping Cough!

Oh yeah? Where were you last night at 3 A.M. when I was watching Lisa the Vegetarian and crying my eyes out?

The people most likely to join a cult are the ones who are going to church.

No crime? Someone just stole the baby jeebus!

I don't think that needed clarification. They live in the same town, and there's approximately a 0% chance that she enlisted the exact moment the people were raptured. It would have been one of the worst lies of all time.

You're forgetting him getting all angsty in the toy store. He was all about finding it after that.

No "struggle to believe in something" has been depicted. The show has not demonstrated that it's possible that everyone will join this group. Most every NPC on the show is openly hostile towards them. There is no demonstrated risk of them doing everything, aside from magically having Liv Tyler show up in their

Far be it from me to criticize a private businesses decision making, but trucking around a bunch of dummies that have to go to specific addresses across the country seems like a pretty inefficient way to do it. Was UPS raptured on this show?

The police don't actually actively prevent break ins. That's why people have door locks, alarms, and the senses of hearing , sight, and touch.

The show made it clear that no one cared about the baby jesus doll, and that Put Upon Cop #12343321 was the only one concerned.

Poor Larry App-lay-ton.

What does it raise the stakes to? Nothing is actually happening. There are no stakes.

Which episodes aren't the filler episodes? All of the plot happened in the opening of the pilot.

Odds of success hitting a moving target from 50' with a flaming Nerf arrow outdoors on the first shot - 0%

Who are the interesting characters? The bagels?

I bet you could do it if you took it out of Eco mode.

No one's dead until you see them dead.