
Apparently, AV Club headline writers recently discovered that the phrase "full of shit" could be taken literally, in addition to the common usage related to things that are not factually accurate.

Or maybe a person who tried to murder a security guard but didnt know their gun wasn't loaded?

Dave Mordal was so great on that show. Sadly, I saw him at a local small room and he was totally disinterested. Kept asking the audience what they wanted to talk about.

The opposite is much, much more prevalent. People give their babies far, far too much attention.

Also, it has the worst title ever.

1 Child Actor who VANISHED from Hollywood!

I would be surprised if Garth Brooks couldn't sell out several huge venues in the US.

Scumbag territory is assuming you can fuck your way out of any mess you get into.

You should get your eyes checked.

Another solarium?

Sheldon Sands getting blinded is pretty traumatic.

Her betrayal in the story doesn't make any sense as an actual plan, regardless. Would she really expect to be cut in on the profits after giving all of her value up front? Makes no sense. It's not like she got equity. It's a prison smuggling operation.

Isn't this show just The 4400?

They all live on in our hearts.

I have no idea why you would feel bad for her in that situation.

I think that is an urban myth. Yes, all legal tender must be accepted for debts, but I don't think stamps are actually legal tender in the US.

Red got things smuggled in as a kickback for influencing the award of the kitchen contract, far as I can tell.

Is that really the way you see them being portrayed? Most of them do have difficult lives in some way, but very few have been victims of circumstance in the actual crimes they committed, from what I can tell.

I always prefered Jean Marc Mormeck.

It's certainly more comfortable to think of the person who has been chemically altered for their safety or to better conform to societal norms as who that person is.