
To be fair, that is a lot of them. We also have a season long story with the girl who was pregnant last year, and with Ms. Diablo in the first season.

I don't think you can drug someone and then call the person on the drugs the "real them."

She threw pie for her and a brownie against her. Someone do some symbolism voodoo around that.

We have definitely had a Nichols flashback.

You have to remember, she is amongst actors and probably wearing really tall shoes.

That does not qualify as scruff.

You have to start with the title to get this name right. As in "US Marshal Chase Powers fights to keep the streets safe from things that go bump in the night, an all new thriller from the network who brought you The Fighting Fitzgeralds, DARK POWERS."

Tell me more.

Sadly, a very high percentage of family owned restaurants are much, much worse than these terrible chain restaurants.

I assume you weren't studying to be an accountant.

That explanation isn't a bad one, but it would have made more sense had she done it when they met, in that case.

They've already sown the seeds for Tommen to overrule his mother and marry Margaery. The only way they won't get married is if one of them is dead.

His name is Grimey, show the dead some respect.

One kid seems to love the softball episode.

She ain't giving up on no plan. What's she going to do, conquer King's Landing with her tiny sword?

Yeah, kids love humorless naivete.

I don't understand how anyone is confused, there was no ambiguity.

I was expecting the implementation of new minimum wage laws.

Isn't that the Dread Pirate Roberts' gimmick?

Only because his niece and her dog keep solving all the crimes.