
It's insane to think that a guy is just going to learn to throw the ball as well as an NFL quarterback when they have been practicing throwing for 15 years. The level of skill professional athletics require is unfathomable.

Could Rocky V actually be better than Rocky?

So, in plain english, he's a jerk.

I'm pretty sure that Kareem is universally considered a huge jerk.

Finally, a show about police cops!

Pizza! Pizza! Pepperoni Pizza! Cheese and Crust!

Sadly, there are no hits for "DJ Good Moose"

Well, everyone in the world is a dick.

I found Jerry Seinfeld to be very believable in his role as Jerry Seinfeld.

It is a hard-hitting news magazine.

Also, probably a baked potato or a rake.

She is too good looking to be believable as a human being, that's why this quasi-dream sequence role works.

…or, if he tried to stop him, he could make Hodor throw him into the woods.

I wouldn't mind Kitty playing Lysa. It's not like she's busy.

Say the names, say the names;
When no one is around you, say "bastard I'll kill you."

I think the best scene on the show was a dragon burning a person's face off, or a guy getting a bunch of gold dumped on his head.

When 10% of the people in a group are willing to follow you into a frozen wasteland filled with weird zombies to attack a fort, there's probably more that are in your corner.

You must have to be very stupid for the whole thing to work. Otherwise, he should have just became Burn Gorman.

The Walking Dead was never good.

If he is so good, he wouldn't be armed with just a training sword for long.