
They also had a scene where they said it was easy to defeat someone with a weapon in each hand. I don't think they forgot.

I have heard that he is going to show up on this week's Mad Men as Joan's new beau.

I think they are in Seacouver.

After 65 minutes of establishing science man (Harry Anderson) as Satan, who will rule the world if he can acquire the soul of bland white girl

The one thing that struck me was the "swedish spy" driving a SAAB. Not exactly the best way to blend in.

…and subsequently belting out the most beautiful version of the National Anthem of the USSR ever heard.

In the last 30 years, Jeopardy has won 30 daytime emmys.

Do any of Felix's friends have names?

I don't know that the cop was depicted as an asshole, other than the fact that he is a cop.

Milli Vanillis HATE her!

Britney Spears' antics were much publicised because she was mega-famous. Lindsay Lohan became mega-famous because of her antics.

I'm not even sure she has been in a movie.

"Sorry, Death, you lose! It was Professor Plum!"

Given that 90% of all TV shows are cop shows, and that something like 1 in 8 cops are women, and 1 in 5 arrestees are women, 43% seems pretty high.

He's also an asshole. Give away your own sandwich, Bobby.

I think they called plenty of attention to it.

I don't think it was well done, but the last episode made it pretty clear that Roger was looking to consolidate power.

Whatever costs the most money that isn't science fiction/fantasy will win.

I was always a fan of "to enhance standability."

The text message thing was a super awful plot point, just really lazy and nonsensical. No code, just a continuous stream of directives via text message on a phone with no screen lock. She would have seen these messages before.