
You've got to be kidding me.

Why does that even matter? Even if you haven't seen the show, someone could use sequences of syllables to express the circumstances of the lock, and why a number of "stupid americans" are taking their picure with it.

Doesn't seem like post lock break up would matter. Most likely, their relationship wasn't scripted to sell additional households on the virtues of the X1 platform and other goods and services.

House was going to be my entry as well. My DVR flubbed recording the finale, so that's the only episode I haven't seen. I have not tried to track it down.

That happened three years ago. This is a pop culture website. Nobody really gives a shit if a TV show is spoiled for you. Everyone else already watched it. Your enjoyment is not our concern. The universe does not center around you. The world will not wait to discuss the past just because you have decided you don't

Is it possible the person who took it is a romantic who didn't want a fake lock besmirching the credibility of the thing and attracting a bunch of dorky tourists?

I have a hard time buying the Fallon bit of that. I am pretty confident that his consideration for Fallon was an after the fact thought. Conan wasn't going to be pushed back because that wasn't good for him.

NBC's biggest fear was Leno going to ABC or FOX and beating them. Their cowardice was the entire problem. They didn't want Conan to compete with them. They also didn't want Leno to compete with them. Eventually, they had to make a decision, and I have a hard time thinking they made the wrong one.

There's a big difference between trying to hold 4,000,000 people five nights a week every week for an hour and getting 750,000 people for a half hour once a week for 12 weeks a year.

Well, to be fair, they can get much bigger bands. Those bands being safer is more coincidence than anything.

I don't understand. You've never seen anyone do that?

The classes get much harder to blow off until the night before the exam, I know that.

Even robots only get one chance to make a first impression.

Shouldn't #1 be the United States of America? I hear that they are pretty big supporters of Israel.

Pitchers aren't going to be able to become significantly better major league hitters through practice. Good minor league hitters often can't hit major league pitching. It is one of the most difficult things to do in sports, and the odds that someone is going to be good enough to pitch and hit at a respectable level

How can you for-get them?
and their solemn promise?

My turd colored zune still works like a dream.

The AV Club is a series of tubes.

If I were running the Democratic Party, I would have thrown a whole bunch of money trying to back an insane tea party candidate to run as an independent in a lot of the close races. Seems like Obama could have coasted if they could somehow get Bachmann or similar in the race.