
Acting isn't working. People do it for fun all the time. In real movies, the actresses are generally really attractive, too.

They know that real men neither need nor want seeds on their bun! Golden arcs forever!

From what I have seen, I have a hard time envisioning a comedy with Rashida Jones as the main character being very funny. I don't dislike Rashida Jones, and she's obviously an attractive lady, but she isn't really a fountain of humor.

There was a remake of Commando? This girl seems a bit young to be Alyssa Milano.

The Scout, Hoosiers, Coming to America, Gladiatorā€¦

Annie should fire that manager if he doesn't tell her she needs to stop making those pained faces during all her lyrics. Ain't no one making it big looking like they are taking a dump through all their songs.

Most chefs do not, in fact, wear gloves. Gloves aren't magical bacteria free superclothes.

Yeah, I don't see the conspiracy angle. I definitely could see a hipstery against the grain for against the grainness' sake argument, though.

Or, like, maybe even he wanted to let the guy he asked to come on his little program talk?

I think I could watch Larry & Jerry BS for a pretty long time and be entertained.

My understanding is that Gervais has never driven a car, and is pretty skittish about riding in them.

If he weren't an actor or comedian, the album wouldn't be getting reviews.

You are completely unaware of who actually exists in the world if you think more people know who Charlie Kelly is than Hawkeye Pierce. You may as well put your money down on more people knowing who Kurt Vile is than Elvis.

First Blood, Under Seigeā€¦

Just in time too, all those carrier pigeon wires strung across the sky were getting to be a safety hazard.

I'm pretty sure that Sonic Youth is the only college rock band.

Trendy haircuts?

I sure wasn't shrugging, that movie was terrible. See 25 year old Emma Stone as a high school girl who runs the R&D lab for a large, multi-national corporation! Plus, Dennis Leary!

Him or his Harvard mouth.

It is the perfect thing to do when a dog shits in the house though.