
The Kllling had a good pilot, and then went on to be the worst season of all time.

Superman is boring, but Superman is also Superman.

Isn't the problem that Wonder Woman kinda is terrible other than the outfit? She flies an invisible plane and forces people to tell the truth…also she's Superman but stronger and has a whole bunch of other crap. Invicible is boring, invisible is boring.

The Tigers had two relievers pitch over 65 innings with ERAs below 2.50. Their closer was excellent all season. The small sample size of the playoffs makes guys like Cody Ross seem like MVPs. It's just statistical noise.

Yes. Also 127 Hours.

It's pretty easy. Most teams don't have trouble. Most teams with the Yankees' resources definitely don't have trouble. The league is bursting at the seams with good relief pitchers.

Oh no! Not a new closer! Where will they ever find one!

I'm pretty sure the budget to create an enormous flock of Gallimimus that could run thirty miles an hour would have bankrupted the entire country.

MC Pee Pants?

Blaming Andy Dick always seemed strange to me. Phil Hartman got himself entangled with some crazy murderess, not anyone else.

You know what also disrespects women? Making one and then offing yourself, leaving her with Courtney Love as her only parent.

Are you aware of monetary compensation?

The word is "moat."

My impression was that Saul was supposed to be "handling" Carrie at the end there.

Can Brody play center back?

I can't wait until she reveals herself as the Amazing Throwderella.

Presumably unintentional Band of Brothers reference. "Baston?" "Bastogne?"

Nobody really gives a shit if a TV show is spoiled for you. Everyone else already watched it. Your enjoyment is not our concern. The universe does not center around you. The world will not wait to discuss the past just because you have decided you don't want to find out about it yet.

It was about how IU sucks.

Those people, son, are idiots. You'll learn to spot them when you get older.