
Don Draper doesn't do anything but make personal calls, get drunk, and sleep on his couch on the rare occasions he is actually in the office.

They see him as a hero, not an antihero.

Dexter doesn't make sense. There's a difference between having a main character outshone and just having a bad show.

My take on the "border relations" motive is that it was intended to make us think that the sniper fellow was actually the guy, and that he was framed by Tate, but that was undercut by the direction and Sonya's immediate disbelief in him as the killer and totally fell flat.

It's soul's phone rang when it was trying to sneak out quietly.

Kevin is always hungry.

I agree, this is about people who think the world revolves around them. We all should wait to discuss something until they have decided to watch it.

Are we still counting Israel as a different country than the United States?

You don't know how to estimate costs very well. A sniper's billing rate would be astronomical compared to regular infantry.

I am still enamored with Hannah's first line of the season.

This is a pop culture website, not a pop culture of six months ago website.

I am expecting the finale, if you ignore the entire rest of the series, to actually be pretty good. My feeling is that the writers of this show came up with a reasonably good ending, wrote that, and put in just about no effort in writing anything else.

Well done show, I like the characters, but the plot of this episode was awful.

Tom Chambers three point line dunk wins.

The long thing in the middle with the priest is the hardest part of any book I've ever slogged through.

The biggest weakness of the reveal here is that Childress was never believable to the audience as possibly the serial killer. A lot of the misdirection on Tate's part makes a lot more sense if we actually don't know that everyone but Sonya is wrong.

Didn't Sonya speak Spanish earlier in the season?

Santi killed Tate's wife going across the border to get more drugs for Frye.

I'm pretty sure that the library was a charitable thing.

This is the bible everyone references, right?