
I wrote this in the comments to a House episode a few years ago:

No movie with a terrible ending rules.

Feels like an Arby's night.

Sure it can, you Kant!

Billy Beane!

Kristen Schaal!

MC Neato


Obviously we're forgetting Serena Southerlyn on Law & Order.

They did include the pilot of Rubicon in the Breaking Bad or Mad Men time block to trick people into recording it. I boycotted Rubicon in protest.

There are some aspects of her that are interesting.

Hank is going to marry Skylar?

That's not very depressing.

..by not being good enough.

I wouldn't be surprised if the NFL were the best Peter Principle example in the world. Being a head coach is nothing at all like being any of the other coaches on the team, and being a coordinator is nothing like being a position coach. The teams that seem to jump up year-to-year always seem to have former head

I'm guessing you saw every bit of Larry Black footage available…they put all of it in abutting the injury so you wouldn't forget which of the many non-descript people they throw at you he was. This series of Hard Knocks looks seems ten times harder than The Wire or Game of Thrones to figure out who all these people

Indiana Jones and the Story About How There Used to be Streetcars?

Mid-40s ex-top level heavyweight with no defense and HIV not doing well? Weird.

I have a hard time envisioning Vic as anything but an anti-hero.

If you start screwing your kid's teacher, your kid needs a new teacher. This is not related to Vic's problems. It's a poor move that is going to end badly in 99.9% of all cases.