
Maybe I missed something, but I don't think Vic did chase Owen away. I read it as the predictable folly of getting into a personal relationship with someone you have a professional relationship with.

The best line of the series so far:

Symptom of sarin gas poisoning: Choking on your own vomit

Good or evil?

I could definitely see some excellent scale Chinese actors in many of the roles.

By Romney fans do you mean Mormons?

-2 x match

Tommy Tune is very tall.

Pointing something like this out must be immediately followed by an exclaimed "READ A BOOK!"

Scooby-Doo can doodo!

Little known fact, Card's college roommate is a gay.

Baywatch & Baywatch Nights?

Bruce and Lance and Julian…

I would really like Dexter to end the same way Seinfeld did, with all of the people he's killed testifying against him in court. Someone fill in the gaps as to how that would work.

You should see some of the shit asses can do.

I think it is most akin to using "The Dive" in Tecmo Bowl.

"William Wallace is seven feet tall!"

"This is what 'googling yourself' means?"

It also works with a doll that looks like a person…stab that doll in the arm, and the real person has a sharp pain in that same arm. The amount of pain is not dependent on the quality of the doll, I'm told.

Hey, good question!