
I always heard "Doobie Keebler."

That may be the only ending that would make this show worthwhile.

Nobody goes to see her movies either.

jessica biel
How many boobs does she have in this movie? Also, I haven't seen any pictures of her lately, but I assume by now she looks more like Arnold than Sharon Stone.

Asking for trouble…
I don't really follow the train of thought that would have it make sense to kill the pregnant horse princess. Is killing an enemy king's pregnant wife somehow less likely to result in an attack than her having the child and this leading to an attack led by some whiny weakling?

"Nobody Better Lay a Finger on My Butterfinger…B.B. Kings."

This show has given me an idea for a sitcom…
Every episode, the main character's cell phone goes off in an awkward situation!

I'm assuming it was actually the guy's father.

Basketball teams generally don't play in stadiums.

I watched the entire season, and I liked this show, but it wasn't Terriers. That was an excellent show with a lot of potential. This was a decent show that didn't really ever do anything after the pilot that showed it was special.

I will say this…
It's somewhat realistic to keep us from knowing how "well" Leary's training/career is going, because that is boxing. So much of the sport is conjecture based on who fought who and what happened in a handful of competitions, that it's often impossible to define how a given fighter stacks up against the

Yeah, why would anyone want to advertise new music on one of the five biggest college campus in the country?

Much like Terminator…
Highlander is just awesome. Sure, Christopher Lambert's whatever-that-is-supposed-to-be accent is the worst thing in the world, but who cares? The Kurgan put his sword together from a suitcase like a fancy pool cue!

Your mom wanted a Quickiening with Adrian Paul.

Isn't that the british video game show?

Those wacky closed captioners. What will they think of next?

The "twist."
I thought it was extraordinarily telegraphed. Maybe if Morse hadn't been introduced in this episode, and his wife hadn't already blamed a crime on him, it would have been a surprise, but I know I knew it was coming.

Well, to be fair, Gervais will be 59 in ten years.

I think it's very likely he'll be the new boss, but it'd be a very odd dynamic. Gervais is making too much money to do a sitcom for NBC.

Would The Wire have been a different show had they used something as simple as the title card used on The Corner? I doubt it. Opening credits can be a nice short little film, I like Dexter's opening in a vacuum, but I wouldn't tune in to watch it every week. Honestly, before DVRs, did most people not use the opening