
Opening credits never really have any worth. I really enjoy listening to commentaries complaining about having to cut things out of episodes when they have a minute-long opening credit sequence. It's one of the many things Seinfeld got right.

It's over a minute long.

One problem the show has…
Leary would likely be able to make a bunch of money fighting anyone. The stakes of not getting the Reynolds fight just aren't that great. Sure, he could probably make double or triple the money in a mega-fight, but he's still got a lot of earning potential without him.

Is there a way…
…in which the previews don't make this look like Kangaroo Jack with aliens?

At least there won't be any conflict of interest…
…when they make recommendations on what you should watch.

Yep, that was it for me. I decided that I couldn't take the insults to my intelligence any more.

It was murderball, you dopes.

Hey, he pays those prostitutes exactly the amount of money they require to pretend to give a shit about him.

From what I can tell, every episode of the show is the same. Can't they just splice in old footage?

I assume that possession of the quantity of cocaine he's reportedly been in possession of is a felony.

It's not really a big deal at this point. Some fighters spar a lot, some don't. The fight is supposedly nearly two months away (scheduling a huge heavyweight fight with only a ten week lead up is ridiculous, and completely unrealistic, but that's unrelated). A veteran fighter facing a guy he's faced in the

Every episode stretches believability a little more…
As though Debbie wouldn't tell her sister that the guy she is with is lying about his name and where he's from, especially when she's already concerned he's trying to take her away from them.

He's not gay, he just can't say no to anyone. To wit, his filmography.

I didn't watch, but how many shows involved her as a ballerina?

…Where we think HBO shows are critically acclaimed because of the nudity!

What are the odds that FOX noted Fringe to death about how they couldn't call her "Olive" for an entire episode because we are too stupid to make the connection between the show's main character (who has been referred to in her childhood years as Olive) and a kid named Olive?

I'm sure that Spitzer Dupre would get much, much better ratings.

I'll never forgive that woman for what she did to Bret.

What does it mean?
"I'm Ronnie from Jersey Shore, and keeping it real is what it's all about. That's why I use Xenadrine."