
Golota had some serious mental issues, and should never have been a boxer. He was very talented, but when things got tough in the ring, he broke down mentally. He couldn't stop hitting Bowe low, but he wasn't doing it because he was dirty. He was doing it because he was crazy. He did some dirty things in the ring,

Even the most dominated fighter doesn't get hit that much.

Hopefully he didn't throw the fight, that seems a little obvious. If Leary is supposedly going to have a realistic chance of beating the champion of the world, who has reigned for five years, he should be able to finish off a contender who just came out of prison in a few rounds. Didn't they say Morales was like 32-5?

Boxing does have rules.
A guy who behaved like that in the ring would never have amounted to enough to get a big fight. Fighters who skirt the rules just aren't that obvious. If a fighter blatantly headbutts another while they are tied up, he is, at minimum, losing two points.

It's not a very well plotted show.

That was dealt with. Hootie McBoob told him not to do it, just like when she told him not to hit them. Problem solved.

The Grammy voters aren't thirteen year old girls.

If this show gets canceled…
…at least they can rerun it late at night on Cinemax after Bikini Frankenstein.

Maybe they are both pregnant. Also, obviously the brunette would be pregnant.

Why? I remember having siblings, and we all weren't always in the same place at the same time.

Also, Calvin Brock had some kind of degree that helped him get knocked out by Wlad.

I would like to point out that the two best heavyweights in the world, including the recognized champion, both have doctorates.

I think you can take that as fact without confirmation.

Can't they just state the obvious, Leary will win this fight easily, because Latino heavyweight suck?

"Just Die Already" is the clear winner here.

Moore "has received a huge amount of money from this film'
Is that relevant somehow?

No Showtime show is ever as good as it could be…
Everything Showtime does always seems so flimsy, like Wal-Mart furniture. I think the show could be pretty good if they could actually find interesting plots for the individual episodes. These last two have just been nonsensical.

Casting matters…
When I saw on the promos that Lone Star's main character was Jack Parkman from Major League II, I assumed it would be terrible. I can't be the only one who had that reaction.

She's the most boring person I've ever heard interviewed on television.

If the guy could go from being a guy who normally fought at 168, but didn't have an upcoming fight to making 160 in two weeks, his trainers are morons.