
I'm saying that the speech didn't sound like the character, it sounded like an Al Pacino monologue. It was too "scripted."

Personally, and this isn't the actor's fault, I thought Jesse's speech was ridiculous. Since when is Jesse some kind of gifted orator?

The problem is, that's not what would have happened. The audience would have been confused. Hell, they made sure to show his overly shiny wedding band several times just to make sure you know who was dead.

This thread is going absolutely bitchcakes!

Now, here's someone that would make sense for Random Roles.

I think this woman might be over the "too obscure for this feature" line.

AMC's Shoddy Workmanship
Seriously, how can they not fix the audio for the ad break transitions? It's been years now. They have people watching their shows. Can they not hire someone that knows what they are doing?

More people would be angry about the black area taking up 25% of their screen than the loss of what's going on in the periphery of a scene.

NewsRadio did it twice, even.

This episode's time travel…
It seems as though his consciousness was the only thing traveling back in time, he'd travel back into his body, replacing the existing consciousness from the past. I'm sure it's full of holes and paradoxes, but that's what I think they were implying.

Wow, they won one whole game!

I bet 95% of the country hasn't illegally downloaded a movie in the last year.

TBS is just taking another step to be the "ethnic" network. First, black people, then Hispanics, now, the Irish.

I wasn't paying as close attention, but they may actually have fixed the audio transitions to the title screens before they go into commercials that AMC has been screwing up for at least a year.

You could stay in a motel.

I thought it was Happy from Blue Chips, since they referred to (I think) that woman who started things on fire.

I'm sure they shook hands again when he left.

That guy from the AT&T ads…
…is going to be on HBO?

That's why I prefer watching the shoot-around before basketball games to the game itself. It's so nice, they way they rebound for each other.

Alien Mismatch Comedy #442
Can't wait!