
Shouldn't the Australian guy have asked if Williams had ever been to Manchester?

When did the Simpsons become rich?
Anyone know the exact date? "Hey, let's fly to Israel next week!"

That one might be the ultimate entry for the list, since it's all couched in an Apocalypse Now gag.

Unsliced pizza isn't that uncommon.

What dots?

I think it's pretty clear that Gus is the head honcho, and all of these people are under his thumb. Supply holds all the cards.

That, or it could be an oil stain, representative of a driveway that cars park on for extended periods.

You're trying to say that she will have a case of Laurenitis.

How are we going to follow Sarah Chalke's plastic surgery without having this show on the air?

Sandwich crusts…
If you are too much of a dandy to eat the crust of a sandwich, go fuck yourself.

Sandwich crusts…
If you are too much of a dandy to eat the crust of a sandwich, go fuck yourself.

There's a reason those guys aren't out there anymore. I'll give you a few names: Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Dirk Nowitzki. Those players would destroy any of those guys with ease, because all they would have to do is take them fifteen feet from the basket, and they would be helpless. Blame the big man who can shoot.

That and his professional football.

It's more about making "Part One" an actual episode than anything else. Deeming it "slow" may not have conveyed what I experienced. The story of the episode didn't seem to start anywhere or go anywhere. Maybe if they had started with the sea of dead Japanese soldiers it would have had more forward momentum, but as it

It started too slow…
If I hadn't watched Band of Brothers, I'm not sure I'd be sticking with it.

I hated that scene. Why the hell didn't they just go on the other side of the tree?

Larry & Ricky Rooming Together!
Larry couldn't handle fifteen minutes of living with Ricky Gervais. He'd be out of there the first time Ricky tried to put a trash can on his head.

Leslie's insufferable?
I haven't gotten that from the show since early in the first season. Her coworkers generally seem to like her.

Do they really need excuses if one of her best friends and her boyfriend work there?

Uncle Buck!
I want me some giant pancakes!