
Wilson did check to see if the guy's cancer had returned. The guy ended up having a new cancer, caused by the chemo treatments.

Jon Voight?

They were running to get in the limo before the driver was told to leave, or something to that effect.

Power Rankings!
1. Kevin (1)
2. Michael (2)
3. Bryan (3)
4. Jennifer (5)

She doesn't have a job.

The worst part of the episode…
Why the hell would 13 have a fax machine? Who has a damn fax machine in their house?

I would imagine that they used an old computer because that was the technology of the day when this stuff was developed…much like all of Walter's contraptions.

The X-Files must have stolen the idea from the third Highlander movie.

I'm pretty sure that Ramsay and Lawson are friends, so, while it's not really a compliment, it's not an insult, either.

He certainly has a voice for print. I grew a strong dislike for him when we entered the Boston era of professional sports.

Padma took it up a notch tonight…
No movement this week:

I don't know, act like a normal human who notices things would? Get a baseball bat or a knife? Not just assume that electronics turning on and off was nothing because I couldn't see anyone in the part of the hallway I could see?

Not sure the reset button isn't coming…
…would AMC really spend the cash to build a whole new set? I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that they will buy back the company early next season.

OMG! That's totally what happened on the show! He did a great job replacing that light bulb.

The opening…
I couldn't get past the really, really cliched and, actually, ridiculous actions they had romantic man #1 carrying out once the spookiness started. "Oh, that's odd, the TV is magically on! I'll switch that off. Oh, now that light is on! I guess I'll turn that back on. What a strange occurrence! There's

Psh, I bet you stole this post from an earlier one.

My choice moment of the episode:
Kevin's reaction to Jim's assurance that he wouldn't be fired.

Ann and Mark….
…are too "normal" because Rashida Jones isn't funny. Hot, but not funny.

Perhaps Simmons realized that he's annoying, and stayed away.

The 911 Call…
Can you really blame the dispatcher? Some idiot who is completely stoned out of his mind is giving him incomplete information, and acting like they will send the real paramedics if they know it is Len Bias. I'm guessing that mid-eighties police dispatchers in Maryland got these calls fairly frequently.