
I like Wibon too, but he's an idiot, and 95% of his takes are outright foolishness.

They should have gotten Adrian Paul.

I would totally get DirectTV…
…if you didn't need to have that stupid satellite dish.

Even worse than the fact that Arnold keeps aging?

The stone mason was wrong about how much he should be paid, however.

Let's see, Deborah is about to find out that Dexter's mom was killed in front of him, that his brother is a serial killer, Dexter stole the stuff his sister thinks "Trinity" stole, Dexter has the hammer used in a "Trinity" murder, and Dexter was at the scene of that crime on the night in question. I wonder where this

"We're kind of on the Larry David model."
That is excellent news, and every HBO show should be on the Larry David model. Give me one season every two years, if said season is awesome.

Well, considering the fact that they are serving a seven course meal, they obviously have some restrictions on portion size.

Egg-white omelettes, anything Pakistani, sausage, muffins, anything Jewish, tuna, anything Chinese…

Power Rankings
1. Kevin (1)
2. Michael (3)
3. Bryan (2)
4. Eli (6)
5. Jennifer (4)
6. Robin (7)

OMG Cartman did something and it was hilarious!
Did you see him doing [insert mundane thing]!!!! It was so funny!!!

To be fair, George Foreman kinda had no skill.

Bias would have been one of the best coked out athletes of his time.

Anyone under the age of 30 hasn't had Ali "shoved in their faces constantly."

Wouldn't it be Top Chef: Just Banana Scallops?

Don could easily have eaten horse in Korea, or while traipsing around Europe, rather than as a kid.

Betty is undefeated against men this season. Don, Roger, her brother, that guy, they've all been crushed by Betty. Let's see that annoying comedian from last season deal with her now.

"I'm not sure he's simply a philanderer."
I agree, he only goes after secretaries, prostitutes, and if no one else is available, random twins he finds in the building.

Different acid, different reactivity.

This was discussed last season, but yes, you would absolutely want your show on network television. The money is obscene if you do well.