
Don sleeps around, while we find out that Roger is actually identical quintuplets. Also, the new baby turns out to by psychic.

Leon was at Sbarro.

What was unpredictable? Another client is gay, Sal is fired because he is gay. Don is sleeping around, with that teacher he's been courting for weeks. Betty doesn't sleep with another man, for the third or fourth time. A character who doesn't smoke can't handle a cigarette.

Hey, Connie is a very religious family man who calls a home with a newborn baby at three in the morning to chit-chat. Who doesn't do that for their son?

Like sands through the hourglass…
The plotting is really getting somewhat insulting. I feel that this show is really starting to circle the bowl and will end up as a ridiculous soap opera by the middle of next season, full of amnesia, comas, long lost relatives, and possibly monkeys.

Like sands through the hourglass…
The plotting is really getting somewhat insulting. I feel that this show is really starting to circle the bowl and will end up as a ridiculous soap opera by the middle of next season, full of amnesia, comas, long lost relatives, and possibly monkeys.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that if I had super-powers, I'd kinda want to try them out a little bit.

We all know Walter perfers Roundabout or Long Distance Runaround…
…that just has to be a continuity error in some way.

They are in a giant house with dozens of circuits and probably a hundred outlets, for them to put all of those power hungry devices in one room that would never be designed to carry that big a load was assinine, their own fault, and they should have been on the chopping block for it, as they were.

I remember him doing some good things in the first few episodes, but things have gone downhill since.

Nobody is saying that Mike is the best chef, he's clearly not, and there is an obvious top three and an obvious fourth best. However, he's clearly the most likely candidate to be the fifth best in the group. He has been in the top of the quickfires more often than not. He didn't win one from out of nowhere like Robin.

Mike is definitely riding coattails again…top three in the quickfire and doesn't find his way into the bottom in the elimination challenge, despite being paired with the worst chef.

There is one simple solution…be aware of what is going on with your food while it is cooking. They blew the fuse, using several resistance heating devices in one room that wasn't wired for that type of appliance. Would you run three hairdryers in your bathroom and expect everything to be awesome?

No way man, Qdoba is where it's at! You unidentifiedlocalers really have no taste.

She wasn't really that hot, that's how. Have you ever been outside?

Little Gordon…
…British internet sensation.

Granted, I don't work for the FBI and this may be classified…
…but exactly how many government issue Lincoln Navigators do we have?

How did the bats knock him down in real life?

Don was right. That's what she was doing, and she did it purposefully.

Betty crushed Roger and Don, 2-0.
How does she always know everything?