
I don't understand…
…so, he's going to be stealing the biggest guests from Conan?

You know who else has aged a lot since As Good as it Gets? Everyone. It's been twelve years.

Let's bake a cake.

I think that Betty is going to get wind of their contact, and take it as Don continuing his infidelity.

Maybe he hit Don's car in the parking lot.

It doesn't work because people now expect online content to be free.

Oh, hadn't you read, since Jaycee was kidnapped, newspapers were deep-sixed and have no sponsors or subscribers because they couldn't figure out how to make money on the internet.

To be fair, three of the times it was Moby.

How did the french guy skate through?
He did terribly in a french competition. What is he going to do well in? Kerchief tying relays?

I'm pretty sure that those comments were translated by his translator, immediately afterwords.

They didn't charge her sales tax, she didn't pay for it, I'm pretty sure those cars are donated as adverts. She had to pay income taxes on it though.

No, really, NewsRadio doesn't fit at all. It's not possible for something that happened in the first episode to ruin a show, because the show would have been bad from the start if it had.

I don't think her smoking has anything to do with wanting to kill the baby, that storyline was pretty much done away with when they got back together.

I'm pretty sure that Peggy and Ken chose the performer, not Sal.

He probably recognizes that Don is a con artist.

Did you need 22?
I don't really think that some of these, Seinfeld and NewsRadio, make much sense on the list. Those relationships were part of the characters from the start. They can't possibly be ruined by things that made them funny in the first place.

Peggy's Punk'd
I took it as them treating her like one of the guys, personally.

I am aware of how everything happened, I too, watched the show. The problem was, they weren't given structure to actually make the competition aspect make sense.

lunch for airmen falls lower on the support-the-troops-o-meter
I think it falls even lower when they were required to do it to stay on a reality television show.

He's not only a postmaster…