
Another great elimination ceremony…
…where neither nominee leaves. Sabrina should have gone home for her spinelessness.

They were high ranking officials at, I believe, Dupont and Pan-Am. I think it was pretty clear that Don didn't think it appropriate to give out business cards in that setting.

I wouldn't be surprised if Pete's servants were all white, given that his family is much more well off than Betty's.

She said something about not being so hungry that she wants to get up.

You put cheese on your hamburgers! Outrageous!

I'm a huge AD fan, but why would another show want to do what they did? The show only lasted two and a half seasons. Anyone involved in Seinfeld is so filthy rich they haven't had to work in ten years.

I believe Betty didn't want to dance before being introduced to Mr. Grabby Hands.

I doubt people were rolling their eyes at Pete and Trudy, they were part of the select few who belonged at a shindig like this. They are blue bloods who know how to make small talk, do set dances, and behave as they are supposed to. That's why Betty and Trudy get along easily. Harry and his wife were just

I don't know what to say about the terrible audio of "Joan" singing. I just don't.

How many episodes will she appear in…
…before she does some ballet dancing? Five? Six at the most?

By the way…
…I'm pretty sure that if a team's reward allows them to skip prepping for the next dinner service, they lose just about every time.

Eggo Sandwiches!
What was in that thing? An inch thick slab of Nutella?

No, they don't. It's more of a figurehead position than anything else.

Death, divorce, depression, alien abduction…anything where she "goes away," figuratively or literally.

…and Jack Frost.

"Bye, Bye Birdie," foreshadowing or coincidence?
Is the decision to house the old man going to be the end of Betty in some way or another?

She killed that girl on SUV with a brick.

Never heard of a Whiskey Diet, Jim?

Foreman wins because he could crush your head with his bare hands.

Most people don't get red armed when they yell.