
The only really funny line in the entire episode was Homer bragging about being an astronaut.

Craig T. Nelson is on Survivor?

I wouldn't worry too much, I don't think NBC has that many shows that people watch reruns of.

His reasons for wanting to remain deaf are childish. There is also more to hearing than listening to speeches.

No hearing no cry.
I thought it was great that they didn't hammer home the reason the kid ripped out the implant…he didn't want to hear his girlfriend speak that way. He didn't end up learning a lesson about how he is wrong to not want to hear that deaf people speak noticeably differently than everyone else.

It's really more of a merger…they would take on all of the debts of the merging company and pay Michael for any of the company's assets.

I don't think the cashier at KMart has any basis from which to pity.

The last two weeks he's been much too easy to spot.

My least favorite moment in Cinderella Man is when they make Max Baer out to be a cold blooded murderer.

They thought Jesse did it, that was a major plot point…why Pinkman was "the man" and "the blowfish."

Regardless, the chair was for Liz, as she was spending a lot of time talking to doormen.

Perhaps the same supplier Dunder Mifflin gets it from.

Go Purdue!

You liked the Ron character?
I felt he seemed like a SNL skit character more than someone capable of actually being on a show lasting more than five minutes. That character was nothing like a human being in the first episode.

I'm sure writing this makes me a total dick, but Donna, but I think your review is much too plot summary-y. I mean, I assume most of the people reading this stuff have watched the show, so we probably don't need so much description of the script.

On Killing Terminators…
My understanding was that the weapons they had back in the eighties made them tough to kill. I assume anti-terminator weapons exist in the future. Why would they carry around rifles that wouldn't really hurt their enemies?

"I know Bravo gets creative with the editing, but if I had been at that table at that time I would have rolled my eyes too at Rocco's foie gras comment. Who gets tired of delicious food?"

"a little less budget money didn't make The Shield, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Nip/Tuck, Damages and Rescue Me any less awesome. "

None of those networks have the cash that FOX does. The big money is still on network television.

I heard he was unforgettable in The Other Side of Darkness.