
Dogs may not dance, but Dogggz do.

I would agree that they should see The Graduate. It is important to learn how to stalk college girls, and that doing so will yield positive results!

Would you feel cheated if you paid someone to cook a full meal with no restrictions and they made italian food because that's what they like?

Are you having a laugh?

If someone made an all vegan meal, and it was good enough, they would win.

This show was awful. HBO couldn't start its own pro wrestling league or something to get this demographic? I guess the premier coincided well with the constant replays of Meet the Spartans they have going.

A clone would be identical in appearance to the cloned. Peter looks nothing like Walter, and is taller. Peter is not a clone of Walter.

She's too tan…
It's the middle of the winter, she's like a carrot.

They probably could have found seven NFL players from seven different teams living in the small city the where the show is filmed.

It seems as though Jeff's food sucked every week.

Way too many really idiotic parts in this episode to accept for me. Why did Sobotka's ex-wife keep her married name? Could they really not think of any other way of linking them? Too much manufactured tension that didn't feel genuine, mostly from the Harris character, who could be replaced with Frank McRae's