
I don't want to believe that the show will drag that storyline out any further than episode three.

They're all each other's best friends.

I felt the same way until the credits scene. She's already got one crappy engagement on her hands and dating Jonah would put her back in the main storyline, plus she'd probably be more at home in Washington than with Buddy Calhoun. That said, there's no way they make it down the aisle.

Anyone else think that cutting from Jonah telling Kent and Ben to "find him Mrs. Ryan (not my mom)" to Amy might indicate where those storylines are headed?

I felt like this finale should have been two parts, with the first part ending with the Plumber turning off magic and the second part being a 40 minute extended version of the two months later flashforward.

I can't imagine Julia being attracted to Quentin. And after a season of Quentin displaying how devoted he is to Alice, I think that a love triangle would be a huge step backwards for him.

They need to adopt the Buffy structure that most of the other sci-fi-/fantasy shows use, or something similar at least. I feel like the characters keep spinning their wheels and reiterating info that we already know instead of moving forward. The finale was really interesting, but it feels as if it should have been

Yeah, it felt like one of the midseason episodes could have been cut in order to have a two part finale. That two month time jump could have been an episode unto itself.

I'd bet on the fairies as Elliot and Margo's Big Bad, but Alice has a lamprey to deal with, and Quentin and Julia will be going up against gods. I think a parent god would be the ultimate Big Bad for the show, because the key arc for everyone is growing up—defeating an uber powerful parent would be a fantastic

That Fairy charge in the end looked like a real pretty copy of the 'three blows for White Walkers' cliffhanger from the GoT S2 finale.

There was a Netflix boycott that was all over social media after this show was announced with people ranting about how personally offended they were by Netflix and threatening to cancel their subscriptions. Netflix didn't respond in any way, which I was surprised by.

Chewing Gum was so short that I actually binged the entire thing in one afternoon by accident.

Someone should give Andrew Rannells a show that lasts longer than one season.

Lena joked about a movie a la Sex and the City. At least, I think she was joking.

Someone really should give Andrew Rannells a show.

I sort of thought that there would be a couple of timeskips, but then the show stuck itself in the five months later zone and stayed there.

I thought it was kind of weird that he was the one who pitched breastfeeding as the focal point of the episode myself.

If Phoebe doesn't sing Smelly Cat, we'll riot.

I mean, Bannon will probably have to read it to him, but Trump won't understand the difference.

X-1 actually references the possibility, too. Senator Kelly and Xavier both talk about "a little girl who can walk through walls" and Kelly specifically demands to know what happens if someone like Kitty decides to walk into the White House and attack the President.