
I just sat through all of the X-Verse movies with my roommates and that opening Nightcrawler scene blew my mind all over again. It's still my favorite action sequence in a superhero movie, bar maybe the Quicksilver bit from DoFP and the big NYC fight in The Avengers.

I thought that X-2 and Spiderman 2 were pretty consistently considered the two best comic book movies, ever. I don't know if opinions on this have changed with Deadpool and Logan having been released.

He'll probably read it just to see if Baldwin mentions him.

SNL clearly wasted a gag by having Viola Davis give Jeff Sessions her pie.

The pilot of Alias burns through what would've been a fully season of plot on any other show. It feels a little dated, but the episode is still pretty damned good.

Jack's sister got a crazy wig and a squirrel baby.

I love Lost and I'm still annoyed about Sayid. I think Locke's arc worked very well, though.

I'd say that you wanted a clean slate after having watched Tabula Rasa, but no one knew what Kate centric episodes would become yet.

Let the fear in, let it take over, but only for FIVE seconds.

The plane wreckage montage was the worst thing they possibly could've put there.

I still think that The Incident would have been an incredibly satisfying series finale, but we were all so hooked at the time that the idea of another season was beyond tantalizing. Lost was hardcore nerd crack.

When the finale debuted, someone on my Lost comment board said that she thought people were so angry about the ending of Lost because a lot of them had believed that the ending of Lost would honestly provide the meaning of life.

"I know a clique when I see it. I teach high school, pal-y. You know, you people think you're the only ones on this Island doing anything of value. I've got news for you. There were 40 other survivors of this plane crash. And we are all people, too."

I've been arguing for years that Lost revolutionized television, regardless of how much most people disliked the finale. Say what you will, but there's definitely no Game of Thrones without Lost and I think a lot of the genre stuff on the air now wouldn't be possible without Lost having proved that it could actually

Personally, I think that the show would have made perfect sense if they had ended it after The Incident. The survivors create a time loop and get stuck in, doomed to relive the events of the show forever and giving just enough info about Jacob to leave us curious him.

Juliet's character was honestly rebooted every season. I still don't understand how anyone could've been attached to her.

No one said anything about a monogamous relationship.

The show was so well plotted that it would be pretty difficult to cut everything down to just two hours.

At this point, the Marvel Netflix shows really seem to be super bloated 13 hour movies. Maybe they should think about doing 5-6 episodes of each season, allowing for actors to guest star in whatever else as a crossover?

Yeah, I would never include The Body on one all night binge extravaganza like this. You're trying to capture the essence of the show and celebrate it. The Body is a great episode precisely because of its tonal difference from the rest of the show.