
He's also the short guy who dated/married Paris Geller.

Yeah, the guy's a dynamo of action.

About time we brought out the big guns.

Both shows seemed to have gotten their wires crossed on this topic. The first time (that I recall) that anyone tries to blatantly address it is in "Dopplegangland" when Buffy reminds Willow that her vamp self is nothing like her and Angel interrupts to seemingly contradict Buffy, but winds up going along with what she

Spike was clearly very fond of Dawn. He tears up when she talks about how she doesn't think that she can be good in "Tough Love," and we know that he's capable of doing something nice without credit, given that he tried to leave the anonymous flowers for Joyce. Doesn't mean that he wasn't trying to sleep with Buffy,

"We're not friends. Never were. I can fool Giles, I can fool my friends, but I can't fool myself. Or Spike, for some reason."

They're never referenced that way in Buffy, but Wesley definitely mentions The Whirlwind in S2 of Angel, as well as later in the series.

There used to be a couple of different cuts on Youtube, but they were all labeled as stuff like "The Whirlwind: The Movie."

"Well, actually…that's a good point."

"Dead Man's Party" might just be my top pick for most unpleasant episode of Buffy, ever. It's not sad, like "The Body," or philosophically interesting, like "Normal Again." It's just a slog through. None of the Scoobies take any interest in why Buffy left, or what she was doing. They just rip into her and shame her

Anyone have a particularly interesting theory as to why Dru didn't drink from Kendra after killing her? Slayer blood is supposed to be a crazy aphrodisiac and "better get Giles to Angel real quick" never seemed like an in-character motive to me.

Or at the end of Selfless, as the show pretty blatantly stated she was going to do.

I hope they get to plan Darryl and WhiteJo's wedding, too.

They'd have a lot to talk about, given Lenny's own daddy issues.

I was surprised that both Dr. Akopian and Rebecca mentioned him, but that there wasn't a throwaway line anywhere about why he wasn't at the wedding.

Was that very last bit of the score the theme of The Godfather, or am I a lil' crazy?

Honestly, I bet there are a lot of atheists in their mid to late twenties who believe completely in magical Disney romance.

Haha, I was thinking they'd homage the end of Season 1, instead! This time Rebecca runs out of her own wedding (with either Nathanial or Greg), because that's twice as romantic as what wedding preparations wind up actually being like.

I'm Josh'd out at this point. I like Josh, but even Rebecca is starting to notice that something is off about their relationship. I'd much rather see her run out of the wedding, or dump him for Nathanial, or pretty much anything else other than retreading the plot of Jerry Maguire.

Oh, Josh definitely cares about Rebecca. They were good friends in S1 before anything serious had happened between them. There are a lot of ways the show could play this out, but after that proposal, I pictured the last two seasons possibly emulating Jerry Maguire—they get married for the wrong reasons, the marriage