
The older ladies tend to like Greg.

Lost is so ingrained in my head that I recognized the candy, said "that's an Apollo bar," and forgot that it wasn't a real thing.

Aline and Rachel have been pretty coy about Greg returning in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned up at the wedding, even for just a short scene.

Does anyone think that Rebecca will actually go through with the wedding? She came so, so close this week to having a breakthrough, but fell right back into Josh, as per the use.

He said pretty specifically to Tovah that he didn't want it to fail because he'd plastered it all over the internet. He's definitely proposing for the wrong reasons.

Rebecca wouldn't be marrying Josh if Heather had a bigger role, because Heather would've been able to talk some sense into her if they had actually been spending some time together.

I was thinking of "There! Right There!" from Legally Blonde.

Now. Do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Ben and Warlow?

I got that from my dad, sister, and three of my friends.

Well, the canonical reason was that after assuming Locke's form, Smokey had assumed a permanent form. They kept him as Locke, not just to have Terry in the Flashsideways, but for the big Man of Science, Man of Faith showdown in the finale to have some more weight, rathen than just having Jack fight some random dude.

Just so.

Did anyone else feel that Asha had more backbone in the book? Here, she's just kind of skulking around Balon. Her humiliation of Theon seemed to be more his mistake than her setting him up and we didn't really get to see her mischievious side. In the books, she's loud, unruly and not just welcome with her father, but

Asides from the fact that it would take a large chunk out of the budget, I never felt like it added enough to his character. Yes, a large part of his early appearances in SOS is about his injury, but after a while, it doesn't seem to affect him too terribly.

Ned Stark ordered him after The Mountain last season while Robert was away hunting.

For new casting, I think Balon Greyjoy stole the show. Tonight, at least.

Shireen seems to have been eliminated.

So, will Mel give Stannis a son? Or was this just a more explicit way of showing how the shadow in CoK came into being?

You know nothing, Joining the 1 pct.

I was never so fond of Davos either. Even when he dies, he just keeps popping up. The guy has more lives than a cat. And Voldemort.

Due to having to change Jaime's storyline to keep him around, I wouldn't be shocked if he was back in King's Landing earlier than the books.