Kenny Rogers

And a horse's ass.

Who wouldn't be hot in a Mrs. Claus outfit? 

Vanderworf was also late getting dinner on the table.

They only funny thing about Shitney's vagina is that it may one day be sewn shut.

I've got the same thing.  Except it's for ammunition.

Maybe they'll lez off when they get stuck in the flooded shower stall.

Well, the horse's ass is certainly more likeable than the rest of the characters put together.

Yes, this show is a veritable female Frankenstein of lady parts humor.  Where the fuck is Buffalo Bill when you need him?


Lamest. Pun. Ever.

So this is where all the "Walking Dead" cast rejects wound up, huh?

Her kids certainly seem to have her number.  Enjoy the scenes where they pull up their "Anti-Claire" countermeasures, as in this ep where Haley and Alex started yelling at one another to get out of doing something she wanted them to do.


@your prior remark:  and your parents thought your minor in psychology was a waste of time.

Whatever happened to Phil's alpaca?  Or was it a lama?

How about Ontario?  Or Chicago?

…hat cancels you.

Except Jesus loves us way more than other people.

At least she could spell.  I mean, just so long as it was M-O-O-N.

But first she should swing by Mel Gibson's place and shoot him in the head.  Or nose.