Kenny Rogers

No.  It shows that you're  a human being with Nobel Laureate potential.  Seriously.  Absolutely no snark/sarcasm express or implied.  I've been hoping that they'd get shot by firing squad.

What are the helicopter nazi and his bitchwad wife a perfect example of?

He's not nearly as awful as that "tomwaitsforsnowman" douchenozzle who used to post 400 times per thread.

Well, judging from the cover of the current Maxim, I'd grant that they are exquisitely proportioned, but not exactly gigantic.

I'm a "squabbling and scheming" man myself, Scott.  I love eps like this.  Few things in life are more delightful than watching a bunch of reality show assholes going for one another's throats.  And, hey…go easy on Art and J.J.  As Broder Patrol agents, they are daily being outwitted by lazy, drug-addled, illiterate

Make sure he completely obliterates Kelso, Jackie, and Fes before he starts on that.

Somebody needs to tell Eric that Princess Pinciotti is being held captive aboard the evil Shitney Handler's Death Star Hysterical Misandrystic Vagina Rants.

I care, dude.  I care so much that I'm sending you a complementary chicken from my defunct restaurant chain.

So YOU'RE the dude who has the world's nads in a vice-like grip!

They're building up to the moment when it's revealed that the virus can be spread by [SPOILER ALERT] nose picking, frenching, and butt sex.

^ Yes boys and girls, that is the warning call of the  elitus condescendicus.

^Brilliant!  9.8 at least! 

Shouldn't T-Dog be devoting all of his energy to finding a new agent?

Yeah…someone needs to tell Dale that the world he seems to be so anxious to preserve pretty much died with the first transmission of the virus or disease or whatever it is.

When do we get to vote on which one we'd rather see naked?

I'm really getting tired of all the chest-thumping between Rick and Shane.  Or between Shane and Darryl.  Or is it Darryl and Dale?  Or maybe it's Carl and T-Bone.  Little help out there?

I love it when a Disney film tanks.

He could just as plausibly be living happily as a post-op in Sweden.

Don't forget his endorsement of Steven Segal's reality show.

In a related story, Newt Gingrich, speaking as a fading political crackpot and rightwing fruitcake, endorsed the Chuck Norris Total Gym.  Then pissed himself.  Subsequently, Chuck Norris, six time world champion karate man, admitted that he'd probably taken a few too many blows to the head.