Kenny Rogers

Thanks, y'all. That really means somethin' coming from y'all, y'all.

How's about that "I'm king of the world!" dude and that moon-eyed pudgy chick get stepped on by robbitts! I'll bring the frozen chicken if somebody'll buy me some popcorn!

I got a butt load of partially thawed out chicken carcasses. And a whole bunch of them thair Boones Farm "wine in a box" thingies. And some horse tranquilizers. Ain't willin' to give up any of my pain pills, though.

Only so long as you're not blatantly racist and/or homophobic. Or homophobically racist. Then you get deleted.

I think that they're cooking with Olestra, Level…because of [wait for it!] all the anal leakage.

She played a concubine…
…on "Sharpe's Challenge." But I don't think that was any kind of stretch for her.

So, Johnny, you actually managed to hack through your own ankle in less than five minutes? Bet that hurt.

What about a remake of "Homeboys in Outer Space?"

I shoulda figured that ST would beat everyone to the "Hooker's a good cop, dammit" punch. They're not going to let Shatner, Zmed, and Locklear reprise their roles, are they? But they are going to have the same theme music, right?

Say what?
Who gave Jenna Elfman her own cooking show?

I want to meet Jim's coke-sniffing cat.

I think it was more envy than scorn, Clueless. And I really miss Phel.

@"What's her name?"

Public Education=Socio-Political Indoctrination.

Yoko, Taco Bell is so awful even illegal immigrants won't eat there.

^So's this one. What is that, some sort of encrypted message?

Gigglebot transforms into a "Hello, Kitty" lunch box.

That depends, JVS. How many INS agents are in the immediate vicinity of said Silverado?

"Renegade?" Isn't that Fernandoz Llama's old, syndicated show? This Caruso is too smart for me!

But at what cost in opera buffa posturing, JVS?