Great Unwashed

It's all very well to sneer and look down at these rubes talking wistfully about the days of going to the ol' uniplex to watch Johnny T's latest silver screen adventure while you sit there in your high-falutin mall multiplex, sucking down some hip new half-raspberry half-coke concoction as you watch some fancy French

Although, if possible, they should make sure to retain the phrase "barking and entering".

Well as far as I know, the author is only reviewing the show and has not been given the authority to grant or rescind permission to potential audience members to watch the show, so if you think it sounds like something you might be interested in, then I believe MTV will have no problem with you giving the show a try.

Welcome to hell, idiot

If they can get their heads right, I still think Spurs are in with a good chance - if they go back to their (effectively) strikerless formation with Son as essentially the most advanced midfielder and have the energy to press Arsenal as Leverkeusen pressed them, I could see them getting a few quick break opportunities

You know, for all the casting couch sleaziness and worse that's being increasingly brought into the open, there still seems to be a depressing code of silence in Hollywood when it comes to admitting and discussing the reign of terror that Nick Nolte inflicted upon the aspiring starlets of Tinseltown with his ghastly

"Salon went so far as to give the trend a name: “mysticore.”"

All this talk about diversity, but yet once again when push comes to shove, the cold and clammy directors get ignored.

Saw this recently after an anti-recommendation from someone who couldn't get past the first past twenty minutes - not out of disgust, but just finding it lousy low-budget shit, which isn't actually a bad way to set your expectations for this movie, although I found if you stuck with it, that same low-budget flatness

From the minds and balls of the geniuses who bought you The Accountant comes Christian Bale in Diane from Human Resources!

That's unfortunate. I was hoping this book would tell us where Norm gets all his ideas from.

Yet again the AV Club sees fit to condone the smears against my ongoing series of philosophical treatises, "Transformers is Dumb. Or is it? (It's not, I'm very smart)". One day this cursed fog of political correctness will lift, and then, THEN, you will all see the incredibly important and worthwhile truth.

I'll give them credit - if you're gonna proceed with this godawful fucking idea, there's no sense in pretending your collection is somehow going to avoid having a dorky white author having an inane imaginary conversation with Hendrix. I mean obviously it's not the good kind of credit and more the type that will stop

Well, I've read FOUR books about Marlon Brando so there. I mean, I haven't actually read those books, but I did assume the role of a character who had read four books about Marlon Brando. Point being, David Bowie Schmavid Dowie, who is anyone to tell me Station to Station isn't about a dog I met once that was a total

*comes back to car to see what looks like a ticket under the wipers*

This is a good band

*accepts sacrifice, hobbles Jay Cutler with 23 hamstring injuries that have mysteriously disappeared from a team somewhere*

When I watched it, with no expectations it would be like the first one or that it would be some affirmation of my politics or anything , I found it pretty turgid as an action movie for the most part. It's not even the content of the politics or anything, just that they keep fucking going on and on about it except for

She thought I was just another clammy, awkwardly creepy client, but little did she know about how I took Belgium to a World Cup and consecutive European championships with an unorthodox 3-2-3-2 that could transition very easily into a 3-2-1-4 that compensated for the lack of natural fullbacks while making use of the

I don't think there's anything positive about entertaining the delusions of someone like Feldman that they're making something special when it's just shit, but I get why people who've being conversing on the internet for a while eventually lose their patience with people (unlike our author) who try way too hard to be