Great Unwashed

*sees people, who are probably girls or some shit, who think they know shit about music*


In the abstract, white supremacist hip-hop should seem such a contradiction that it could never exist, but if someone found a cache of some such shit in reality, I would not be surprised whatsoever. I mean, it's not like avowed white supremacism is a holds up to scrutiny type of world view, so cognitive dissonance

I like alt-right as a term precisely for this reason, that they are a bunch of dweeby poseurs who can only aspire to be neo-nazi losers. Even a dumbass skinhead needs to be able to take the occasional pipe beating from punk rock dorks.

Now all we need is a rolling, weeks-long argument about whether it is acceptable or not to call the decrepit crank robo-spewing dumb memes a geriatric fuckface who needs to die already if he hates his miserable life so much, and the circle will be complete.


Fuck this movie and fuck this so-called "reviewer", there are real people everyday suffering because of the St Vitus Shimmy-Shams. Why, my own great-aunt, on my father's side, was cursed with this affliction as a young lady, and thanks to this oh-so "hilarious" disease, she kicked a wood basket, and not just that, but

Man, FUCK Neil Brennan and his bonespurs

White genocide is a dumb term used by racist bedwetters to whine about people not churning out enough white kids these days, and as such is made fun of by other people, except of course for the occasional clueless dumbass getting upset about conversations they've stumbled into with no context but not letting that get

I think the next 4 years will be bad enough without fretting American liberals indulging their seemingly endless capacity for navel-gazing about echo chambers and the like every time something connected to Trump gets called out for being cheap and shitty, because this is far from the last time that's going to happen.

"Yes, this is really the premise"

Horses are such dumb assholes.

Thank heavens, I was starting to get worried I wouldn't find a publisher for my memoir recounting all the times I set the mood for my orgies with the fruit bowl with that wedding video that someone accidentally overdubbed the end of with an an episode of Jake and the Fatman. If you can't derive a lesson from that,

Click bait only works if you click on it. For future reference, when the headline includes the word Trump, there is a pretty good chance it will probably talk about Trump.

Do your own dirty work!

You can try to sell people all manner of garbage, but it's all for naught if there aren't a bunch of fools willing to buy

What the fuck did wolves ever do to you?

If it was not included a previous year, I would suggest adding Free Nelson MandoomJazz to next year's list. Decent music, fucking awful, and not even in a funny way, name, especially as they're actually a proper band.

I would buy beer for Walrus Attack!

Starflight: The Plane That Couldn’t Land