Great Unwashed

I'd say it's precisely for those reasons - in an era where different music was less accessible, the mainstream was obvious and ubiquitous enough that it could serve as a common point of reference to buck up against, especially when most readers might have to imagine for themselves what the alternative the writer was

When will it be revealed that this song sucks?

"Similarly, there’s a few cringingly clumsy plot devices, such as the
idiotic “knockout and run away from the guy about to kill you, rather
than just taking his gun and shooting him when he’s down” maneuver"

*ads for local businesses end*

Ah, I see it's Heller day.

In most American cities, they look at the global stereotype of Americans being boorish, parochial and ignorant and they say to themselves "What's the point? How can we compete with that? Any efforts to promote our own distinct, home-grown brand of perversely and stubbornly proud imbecility will surely just dissipate

Yes, because of their reputation for suffering from iron deficiency.

"If you have a stupid devil, then you don’t show it"

*starts gnawing on stick of butter*

That's the story. Nilsson gets its.


Area Man Did Not Watch Show, Will Give Reasons

There are too few album covers that depict the singer in a good, thick bathrobe.

Mountain Dew looks exactly like… liquid sunshine

Men, it's been 45 years of struggle, countless years before that of being told not to say anything, to keep it all hidden, that we shouldn't even exist. I won't pretend it's been easy, I won't pretend it even seemed possible for most of that time,where it seemed we would always have to live with compromise, even

I can't believe the YA drek that gets not just widely releases but prominently reviewed too, especially when my series of mildly erotic adventures starring one Novella "Books" Johnson get continually rejected by Amazon because apparently the principles of free speech no longer exist if said speech is in wingdings.

Not being mean to people on social media sounds all very well and good in theory, but then I'll check my twitter feed and this fucking guy Dave is all "Another beautiful day :)" like the condescending motherfucker thinks I don't know he's throwing shade at my recycling practices, like he's so fucking perfect, and,

No Protection, the dub remix of Massive Attack's Protection, and worse yet, on cd so I wasn't even really getting the full glory of the cover, more the idea of what might back up that cover. Not that it's awful or anything, but I never really felt the need to go back to it after a few cursory listens through.

Had that been the case though, the reviewer would have told us that while they also think it's important to get people back into supporting movies of substance in independent arthouse theatres, if independent arthouse theatres actually show any movies that are kind of arty, we'll just drive people back to those CGI

“It was like being a worm, working your way into a rotten apple,”