Great Unwashed

What I'm gathering from this review is that Hollywood should start inserting half an hour of civil engineering discussions into all their movies when they export them to China. I mean, they should do that anyway, obviously, but sometimes the guys in the expensive suits and fancy cars need a nudge to give the people


*gives Arran a cake made of tuna with GET BENT written on the top*

I mean sure, we all know it's better with Tia Maria, but Kahlua will do the job nicely in a pinch.


Only the best kind of red card, a keeper red card.


The Internet

In which case, Dowd has a lot to learn about dressing any mild criticism of other AV Club writers in testimonials to all the ways in which they have bettered humanity while not seeing the irony in at the same time relentlessly criticising any missteps by 'rival' media companies, especially when said 'rivals' issue

In principle, it's a lousy thing to do, but I'd be tempted to give them a pass just based on how brazenly out-of-context the pull-quote is.

"Whereas the U.K. requests are more like, “We want washed-up celebrities doing
depressing things.”"

"Nobody intentionally tries to make a bad movie.

Where it belongs is the garbage can, along with the all the other schlock educated imbeciles praise in their mocking to preserve their delusions of cleverness. Although at least those of us left who actually want substance do have Ron Howard's Marine Predators In A Time Of Wind to look forward to. It stars Benedict

Even by the ever-declining standards of clickbait, trolling your readers by giving John Ford an F is a new low, AV Club.

This summer, be sure to catch Run DMC and whatzit as they embark on a massive cross-country tour, playing all their hits. … Like, "you know, thingy majig", "something or rather", and of course, "it kind of goes like… wait, no that's not it, I've almost got it, it's so annoying, it'll come to me in the middle of the

I just hope word of this doesn't get back to my local Serious White People chapter. I'm already on a warning for that time I said nothing with a frisbee can count as a real sport - one more strike and I'm out, with nothing left but a sternly worded letter requiring me to get rid of all the Mumford and Sons from my

When it's against white people, yes. Otherwise, probably not. Pretty simple, as long as one is not a clueless crybaby about it.

All the steroid business had irrevocably tarnished this event for me. Some people may be fine with their sports being played out in the mud with everything else in this compromised world, "that's just reality" they say, but I like my sports to be above all that, a beacon of light in a murky world, an opportunity for

After the Ashes series of Gladiators, where else was there left to go?