Great Unwashed

Ugh, this idiot again. He claimed Fucked In The Ass 7 was a low point in the series that saw it reduced to a series of derivative plots and rote characterisations that did little support the series own pretensions of examining the problematic interactions of gender relations and the wage economy in late capitalism,

I really wish I lived in a country where I didn't have to worry about THE MAN always curbing my freedom when I take my guns with me in public, especially when they are the solution and not the problem

"I’m pretty good at putting up drywall and I’m an excellent kisser. That’s pretty much all of my skills right there."


As long as you're making sure the trampoline stays in the family, that's what's important


The AV Club

"Screaming Females are almost the Wes Anderson of rock at this point"

On the one hand, it is odd to see this song getting praise. On the other hand, if it just takes a few pieces like this to make this weird trend of earnestly praising crap because it's popular - "With Thong Song, Sisqo provided a haunting rebuke to slut-shaming. Late capitalism" - seem as stupid as has always been, and

Really? This debate, again?

Despite scurrilous claims to the contrary, I can confirm for a fact that the frank vérité exposés
of Fucked In The Ass 1 through 5 and then 7 through 9 are indeed all real. I also think enough time has passed that, however betrayed we may
have felt at the time, we can now start to admire the impressive

The AV Club


This band. I approve of this band.

I think it would take the scam no longer finding any suckers for the IOC and FIFA to quit, unfortunately.

The wrong Queensland won!

I too am tired of people always bringing up politics when talking about the second world war. It lowers the tone so.

Look, I'm not saying the guy is perfect, I'm not defending what he did, but just because someone made some mistakes in the privacy of his own country, that doesn't mean it's okay for the PC lynch mob to all descend on him. Doesn't seem very tolerant to me.

With Borussia Dortmund falling just short last year, it would be nice if Atletico Madrid to pull through. And while Real and Barca might be pissed at losing, it has to be good for La Liga for someone else to seriously challenge those two, however brief the respite may come to be.