Great Unwashed

Does it even need a word? I mean, if you're explaining to someone what one of these meetings is, surely "we have meetings where people with similar sexual interests get to know each other in a non-sexual environment, you should come along if you're interested" is going to do the same job as "we have munches, which are

Fuuuuuuck offffff


But first, buy the two back-in-the-day musical memoirs and the
collection of old articles he released before he started getting
nostalgic for the old days when everyone was original.

Eh, he's pretty consistent about this type of situation for ages, people should really expect it by now. He's never had that much sympathy for people who expect complete fidelity but also don't want to have sex anymore. It's nothing recent to do with ego or SCARY MIND IMPAIRING DRUGS, but a pretty long-standing


No, of course not

Maybe try reading the article. You know, from the beginning, where such pertinent information might be regularly found to answer such asinine questions.

Great username/comment synergy.

It seems like you've already done the right thing and made it easier for yourself by being forthright in the first place, so I guess just keep doing that (maybe including your concerns?) and see what happens.?

Some people say haunted, I say fertile.


Can someone help me clean up please?

You heard it first here folks-

It's an article about the genre on music they were playing in a year they released an album. Stop being a penis.

Or they like a different band to you, and you're just being an asshole about it.

He was in a band called Pavement, easily searchable information. Pavement was a band some people like a lot. Subsequently, he has pursued his own solo career, again something which is easily searchable, which some people also like quite a lot, if not quite to the level of his former band. He has released an album this

I used to do this frequently when I began coming across references to both bands without ever having heard anything be either.

A pellet in the leg?

Stupid kids