Great Unwashed

I was predisposed to take kindly to Dear You (this is many, many years after the fact) as, funnily enough, the anti-hype made it seem kind of appealing and that the knockers were just being pissy and annoying. I like some shiny albums, I don't give a fuck what label it's one, what could be so bad about it?

While I agree to an extent (pop-punk is often a very small doses thing for me, and at that it needs some abrasion still there to actually work), part of it is less the other band's fault and more to The Ramones credit for ruling. A good number of bands were always going to want to be them, and a good number were

Fuck off

Chase The Devil

Yes, that's why people think you're annoying - imagined stereotypes. It couldn't be inanely pompous things you say, it has to be something else.

Eh, it will be back. You can't keep schlock down.

Don't be the guy who brings up The Boredoms or The Dead C every time someone mentions a rock band being somewhat unconventional.

Fine then -

Best song

and this is why I comment.

I'll have to give this band another try - I like a bunch of other groups loosely grouped with them in that 'post-hardcore' catch-all category, but they never really clicked for me in a "I have to listen to that again" way in spite of their virtues.

Yep, After Nevermind and Ten and the like, they just started signing up anybody with the hope this is what these kids are into, as this spin list got into a little: http://www.spin.com/article…

Don't be mean. He's trying his best to be clever.

I'm gonna clean-

Ted Leo - SOLID

Going by that logic, then trust is just plain stupid and no-one should rely on it.

From reading advice columns and the like, I just generally read all those positive sounding qualifications as a kind of formality you go through so it doesn't sound like the person is obviously terrible for you and you should break up. Of course the answer is often this person is obviously terrible for you and you

I would advise buying a child's police costume, putting it on and knocking on doors/approaching store-owners and their customers in the neighbourhood, and asking people if they recognised the woman who was in this neighbourhood over the weekend.

Went for the "everyone knows" brass ring, fell on his ass grasping at air.

Well according to our more enlightened brethren of talkback radio, McCullum would have led us to more victories if he spent more time in the nets and less time in the tattoo parlour, and it of course has little to do with a team that always had and probably always will be shallow in world-class depth being without two