Milk Box Hero

Taylor Swift bawls her eye's out screaming, "Stop fighting you guys…"

Interesting.  All you have to do is laugh at the end of a statement and nobody will think you're serious?  The kidnapped hooker locked in my closet will be happy to hear that hahaha…

Doesn't count.  Troy was in Turkey.

Call me a xenophobe if you want, but I can't deny the fact that I hated every single man, woman, and child from Alderaan, and I think they got what they deserved…

May Lex Luthor give you KryptoAIDS

Mine is "Portmanteau-teau (We're Not in Kansas Anymore)"

Aristotle would be proud…

The Asshole's D-

*starts humming "The Girl From Impanema"*

okay, does that shit actually exist?  Is it any good?  I can't bring myself to order anything more than a coffee…

drink your milkshake!!!

And you just simply can't overrate the soft, simple piano jazz score.  It gives both emotion and sophistication that simply just doesn't exist in television programming anymore…

If you took a picture of my balls after an hour on the treadmill, they would resemble the picture above, but probably wouldn't smell as bad…

And dammit, I always wanted dad to put a secret trolly behind the couch…

My favorite was when they went to the factory where they made crayons!!!  It was also very progressive for it's time.  Little known fact was that Lady Elaine was the first openly lesbian puppet on PBS.

My favorite fake stuff satire movie was "Brain Candy", by the Kids in the Hall.  That and Schindler's List…

LSD.  It just takes so much effort to find a good dealer that I haven't already pissed off, and then I gotta get new hippy clothes and buy all these trippy posters, not to mention I need to update my itunes playlist…

Inside shoes AND outside shoes?  Was he the first metrosexual???

Inside shoes AND outside shoes?  Was he the first metrosexual???

I'm gonna be the jerk and point out that there were not 4 branches of the armed forces during WWII.  The Air Force was still the US Army Air Forces until 1947.  On a personal note, the hottest one is the one in the middle…