Milk Box Hero

So would Starbuck open up the first outer space Starbucks in this one?

So would Starbuck open up the first outer space Starbucks in this one?

Get Your Breakfast Steak Taco at Taco Bell Today!!!

Get Your Breakfast Steak Taco at Taco Bell Today!!!

okay, so is his name pronounced P.S.Y. or pussy???

okay, so is his name pronounced P.S.Y. or pussy???

You mean Karen O???

You mean Karen O???

I was waiting for this vid to pop up…

I was waiting for this vid to pop up…

It's funny because they are poor and stupid!

It's funny because they are poor and stupid!



Twin Peaks tattoo or GTFO…

Twin Peaks tattoo or GTFO…

problem is, the refs aren't striking.  They are being locked-out.  They have a contract, but the NFL wants to change it…hence the lockout.

problem is, the refs aren't striking.  They are being locked-out.  They have a contract, but the NFL wants to change it…hence the lockout.

That's why I hide razorblades in my rectum before I go to sleep.  Who's laughing now?

That's why I hide razorblades in my rectum before I go to sleep.  Who's laughing now?