Milk Box Hero

Why did she say "we"?  Isn't she British now?

Why did she say "we"?  Isn't she British now?

You guys don't know enough border patrol agents.  I know several, and the things they see on a regular basis are pretty extreme.  We think about stories like this and think that all they do is bust people with joints.  Most of their focus, though, is in the reduction of narco-terrorism and human trafficking in the

You guys don't know enough border patrol agents.  I know several, and the things they see on a regular basis are pretty extreme.  We think about stories like this and think that all they do is bust people with joints.  Most of their focus, though, is in the reduction of narco-terrorism and human trafficking in the

Man, I don't blame her.  I love hashbrowns!!!

Man, I don't blame her.  I love hashbrowns!!!

Can't I just wait for the ride at Six Flags?

Can't I just wait for the ride at Six Flags?

@avclub-54d4a7482b7342bb1abba0e55c521183:disqus I fly ONE drone into a wedding and kill over 50 people and you people never let me forget it.  Nobody ever brings up the days I DIDN'T kill people with hellfire missles.  You people are the worst…

@avclub-54d4a7482b7342bb1abba0e55c521183:disqus I fly ONE drone into a wedding and kill over 50 people and you people never let me forget it.  Nobody ever brings up the days I DIDN'T kill people with hellfire missles.  You people are the worst…

That has yet to be disproven in the Hague…

That has yet to be disproven in the Hague…

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how drone strikes are any less worse than any other type of strike.  Put a pilot in there, shoot a missile from sub, send a marine sniper, send a Green Beret in with a knife— the same mission gets accomplished…peopled get assassinated

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how drone strikes are any less worse than any other type of strike.  Put a pilot in there, shoot a missile from sub, send a marine sniper, send a Green Beret in with a knife— the same mission gets accomplished…peopled get assassinated

Thanks for not asking my fantasy football question, Marah.  I ended up dropping Andrew Luck and picking up Joe Flacco anyways.  Jackpot!!!  Next time, be a little more timely with the interview.  I could've used Tweedy's vast fantasy football knowledge before wk 1…

Thanks for not asking my fantasy football question, Marah.  I ended up dropping Andrew Luck and picking up Joe Flacco anyways.  Jackpot!!!  Next time, be a little more timely with the interview.  I could've used Tweedy's vast fantasy football knowledge before wk 1…

Grande "I Fucking Hate Courtney Love" house brew

Grande "I Fucking Hate Courtney Love" house brew

tap water- $5

tap water- $5