Milk Box Hero

I already saw it when it was called "Exit Wounds" with Steven Segal and DMX.

SJP as Bay in War Horse.

Remaking Psycho shot for fucking shot was their mistake.  Casting was irrelevent…

Remaking Psycho shot for fucking shot was their mistake.  Casting was irrelevent…

MTV headquarters has got to be the saddest place in the world to work.  I can imagine a 28-year-old staffer walking down the hallways and seeing pictures of Bill Clinton visiting during the "Choose or Lose" specials, Kurt Cobain prepping for his unplugged show, The Beastie Boys freestyling live in studio, Madonna and

You people just don't get it.  When you buy midgets on the black market, you think you're getting a good deal, but then when you're finished with them they just hang around all day and drink all your beer and smoke all your cigarettes.  Might as well just squeeze another film outta them before their wee liver's

You people just don't get it.  When you buy midgets on the black market, you think you're getting a good deal, but then when you're finished with them they just hang around all day and drink all your beer and smoke all your cigarettes.  Might as well just squeeze another film outta them before their wee liver's

I just assumed they all had horse vaginas…

I just assumed they all had horse vaginas…

Plus this kinda thing happens everyday just a few hundred miles down the road from me.  It's a national tragedy here on the news.  It barely makes the news crawl on the bottom of the screen if they're on the other side of the Rio Grande.  If you're into looking up this kinda thing, I suggest giving http://www.borderlan

Baby actually had a mid 2000's solo career and had a Mod style make-over.  I remember her song "Maybe" being a semi-hit in Germany when I lived there.  She looks all grown up here:

Which is better:  meats being "loafy" or loafs being "meaty"?  I think I've found my thesis…

Which is better:  meats being "loafy" or loafs being "meaty"?  I think I've found my thesis…

Craig Fergusan just stands too damn close to the camera!!!  Hey guy, this is 'Merica.  We like our personal space.  Maybe you should read our Constitution before you try and do a monologue on our TV's…

Craig Fergusan just stands too damn close to the camera!!!  Hey guy, this is 'Merica.  We like our personal space.  Maybe you should read our Constitution before you try and do a monologue on our TV's…

He's probably celebrating right now by bobbing his head to "Fade to Black"…

He's probably celebrating right now by bobbing his head to "Fade to Black"…

"I wonder if they're going to have a Jeremy Renner song on the soundtrack?" said Jeremy Renner's ego.

"I wonder if they're going to have a Jeremy Renner song on the soundtrack?" said Jeremy Renner's ego.

Doesn't he always…