Milk Box Hero

Fire Woman…though I have to admit it is best heard while in a shitty strip club, with a red-headed stripper grinding on a pole…

I kinda like her music and I think she's got some pretty cool style…

I kinda like her music and I think she's got some pretty cool style…

*makes sure nobody is watching*

I'm getting pretty tired of all the nipples, personally. Vampire butthole or GTFO…

I'm a fan of most of Big Fish. I was surprised at how much of a tear jerker it can be, even after a re-watch or two. Better then Sleepy Hollow.

For the last time, MTV doesn't make content.  They just film random shit, throw it on TV and see what people watch.

5 words…Air Bud as NASCAR driver…

Ashton Kutcher?  Oh wait, we already had that conversation…

I can't quite seem to remember where I was when Kennedy was shot at Pearl

I think it may be that I'm just not a very sensitive person when it comes to this type of thing.  I also don't necessarily equate stereotyping with racism.  I see Apu from The Simpsons as a stereotypical Indian character.  Is the character, voiced by a white man, "racist"?  Depends what you mean by racist.  I don't

Can't wait for the porn parody of this.

Things I don't find offensive:

Am I the only one who thinks that blackface/brownface/gayface/whateverface isn't really that offensive anymore?  The guy is just playing dress up.  As a hispanic, I'm going to see several million people this weekend with their fake Mexican hats and mustaches.  I don't really see that as offensive because I have a

This comment will probably never get read, but I actually recieved a nomination to West Point from Ron Paul.  He's my congressman, but I never ended up going.  That's why I'll never vote for the guy.  If he thought I was good enough to go to West Point, then this guy has no grip on reality…

I think you're thinking of Han Solo

David Blane could not be reached for comment.  He's in Central Park on one of those damn poles again…


My avatar always compels me to comment on Neswire articles that involve Blur.  So…uh…I guess I should say something…

only in Tijuana…