Milk Box Hero

Here's an idea.  They already put on on a series about a guy with a huge dick.  How about a series that revolves around a woman with…here's the twist…massive vagina…

No one wants to admit it, but there's only one reason to watch a new Hulk movie.  Everyone is just waiting to see if we get a full frontal nudity scene.  Quit teasing us.  Hulk cock or GTFO…


Some rumours are bigger than others…


Top Gun 2: Asking & Telling

That's what the guns are for…

I'm sure all his friends and family got so tired of him claiming to be the 5th Killer…

A man, a plan, a canal…PANAMA!!!

The one he tells fairy tells to…

His name is Mr Jones, dumbass…

He is clearly a portrayal of the proud Juggalo Tribe, shortly before their Long Walk back to the relocated lands of "Mom and Jeff's New Apartment"…

CancerAIDS patient?

You just blew my mind…

I still haven't figured out what is or isn't ironic.  Maybe if there was a 90's song that told me what is or isn't ironic.  That would probably help me out a lot…

Coupon: The Movie: The Ride: The Game: The Crusie: The Series

*Using loud exagerated teacher voice*


you can say that again…

An Atlantic City Boardwalk stop is not on the itinery…