Milk Box Hero

That was Look Who's Talking…

Coachella was the name of one his illegitimate kids…

I think I already answered it with

There's a Kosher joke AND possible answer to the acronym riddle…

Especially if you hate the Brits.

Maybe Cast Kevin Bacon as Isreali???

It's right next to the boner pills…

No, that's the pilot for Golden Girls…

*starts making Tang-wiches*

Is this the one where Bud gets molested at the bike shop?


PWH reboot or GTFO…

Eugene Levy eyebrow wranglers…

You forgot that he had 72 catches and 8 TD's for the Steelers last season.  How is this going to effect my fantasy football team?

Amazing what you get when you have Aaron Carter ghost writing for you…

At least they always have smokin' hot bass players, so I'll give them that…

That really should be the cover art of his album so that
A) You know who he is, and
B) You know who he's not…

I see it as a negative.  If you can update your facebook status on it, it's not a musical instrument, you fuckin' hipster!!!

The Flanders house only has ice-milk…

unfortunately, cancerAIDS still has no known cure