Milk Box Hero

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can all these sexy, sexy ladies do for me!!


[pulls out camera phone]

Didn't we already have this conversation???

I heard a podcast of Dawes doing an interview the other day.  Greatest rap album ever…

More like 3-DD…minus the pirhannas…

I am thankful for what "The Learning Channel" does.  It puts people that I would stare and point at in public and allows me to stare and point at them in the privacy of my own home. I am in favor of renaming it "The Staring Channel"…

Metallica's black album was on the Billboard 200 for for 282 consecutive weeks.  Crazy times the 90's were…

Eminem is hit and miss.  Some of his biggest songs are just making fun of people.  That's not good music…

It seems like they succeeded in their plans to show that American Muslims are boring.  Hence, the lack of viewers.  I think they really don't understand how TV works…

You have to adjust for the fact that Adele's British and therefore sells her albums in metric units…

No, that makes you single and lonely…

I still don't understand what the whole Master P thing was about???

I saw a Sasquatch throw a cute kid in 2012 into a blue American sea.

Most of those things are irrelevent.  As a rapper, he's seen better days.  BTW, New York state of mind is kick ass because of Alicia Keys, not Jay-Z

I was kinda hoping someone would eventually get to this craptastic film…


Saw the Roots live in San Antonio.  Any band with a Sousaphone player getting his groove on is top shelf, grade A, Kick Ass!!!

NOVA: Trillion Dollar Bet  > Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie

Brewster's Million > Beverly Hills 90210