Milk Box Hero

An old David Letterman Top Ten list was weather conditions that sound like rappers.  My favorite was "Slick Conditions"…

his rhymes are a little lazy these days…

Can we also get a stream of Beyonce breast feeding?

Red Line 7000 > The 700 Club

Well, I can't say that I approve of that…

That one hits a little too close to home…

You left out the part about banging cocktail waitresses from trendy LA clubs…

The sound of Angels queefing…

*Future comment from Milk Box Hero*

@concerned reader They also got a lot of hoes in common…

Will this one have Tawny Kitaen in it, too?

I just read the FreePress lineup as well.  Looks pretty good…

Well, I once got to third base with my girlfriend on the cable cars that crossed overhead at Astroworld…like every other 14 year old in the city.  Talk about some stank coming of those seats at the end of a hot July day…

You're in Houston, too?  I can't see you.

The extra D stands for DVDD as in "straight to DVDD"

She beat Buzz fucking Aldrin!?!?!?  That had to have been the final blow that scuttled NASA's budget, which put us in the predicament we are today.  Hitching a ride into space from them damn commies…COMMIES!!!!

Little remembered fact:  When he was with the Dodgers, he played in the outfield with a bottle of water in his back pocket because he had most of his salavary glands removed due to throat cancer.  What a little gamer…

At least somebody didn't walk in and say, "I got an idea…let's follow the trend and make all of next season's movies in black and white and with no spoken lines…"

So is this a remake, reimagining, redux, or rehashing?

I think I've been outted.  Yes, I'm one of the few person's who've never seen a movie in 3D IMAX.  Thanks for calling me out in front of everyone, OhthePossibilities.  Next are you going to tell everyone in the bar that I don't really play for the Yankees and I have VD?