Milk Box Hero

For some reason, I could have sworn that I already had taped copies of this show on VHS somewhere in my attic…

Will Cinderella bite her own lip every ten seconds to show her teenage angst…

She's not a regular mom, she's a "cool" mom…

I think the "imagination" part refers to what they think they will buy with all their extra, hard-earned cash they recieve when everyone takes their snot-nosed kids to see this trite, formulaic piece of crap…for $12 a head in 3-D imax…

I'd hit it…that should validate her looks…

Therefore, by transitive property, David Bowie is dead…

One's gone to meet their maker, one's gone to meet the baker…

You left out "The Greatest Love of All (Nachos)"

David Bowie = David Jones = Davy Jones = DEAD!

Bro Fest seems like a little too much hi-fivin' for my tastes…

Does that mean my Xbox can go back to playing video games again???

Cheer up sleepy Jean :)

It's a lot easier if you just go to the Home menu in Office 2010 and hit the Find button.  In the "Find" field type: "Xander Cage".  In the "Replace with" field type: "Darius Stone".

I was waiting for that one to pop up…

Grieco: "Hey Johnny…this is Richard.  Have you heard anything about the 21 sequel?"

aye..tis a sad day for ye olde cap'n…

So is this the Ocean's 11 for the…ummm…effeminate types?

I see that thing you did…

What's that sound?  I though just heard the sound of someone scraping the bottom of a barrel…

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?